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About – Coach Johann CSCS

Founder Johann Francis is a 20+ year pro Coach

  • CSCS certified
  • since 2003
  • trained hundreds IN-PERSON
  • at nearly than 40,000 hours
  • nutrition expert, (Bachelorโ€™s in Sports nutrition)
  • performed as a lifelong athlete
  • coached every type of athlete and competitor
  • a proven strength method for change
  • an indie gym owner for more than thirteen years
  • provided CEU courses with ACE, NASM, NCCPT, NCSA
  • Dreamland Boxing Fight Camp Strength Coach

Johann has spent 20 years training in San Jose, helping folks rehab injuries, lose weight, strengthen their bodies and motivate themselves.

A lifelong athlete, former football player and competitive amateur kickboxer, he bikes more than 50 miles per week, loves being in the company of loved ones, loves being around great music, loves to eat, and loves training.

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masterclass series

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๐Ÿ”‘ Signees-Only – These events are FREE. After that it’s archived – miss it and you might miss out.

๐Ÿ“ฒ Jumpstart Guide – SIGN UP below and follow along with the FREE ebook/pdf guide on what we will cover this nutrition/eating miniseries.

Let’s fire it up!