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Personal Training – Coach Johann CSCS

Personal Training
Every Lifestyle

Attention, San Jose and the South Bay Area!

Meet your motivational San Jose personal trainer. Let’s talk about scheduling some quality fitness sessions.

choose 1 of 3 paths

Elite Strength & Conditioning

  • Personal Training with Johann Francis, CSCS
  • Starts at $80 per session
  • Sessions between 35 – 50 minutes
  • Uses my Strength Standards
  • Detailed goal Tracking
  • No End date
  • Renewable
  • 6 to 10 weeks with an end Date
  • option to renew
  • Strict schedule
  • Active goal setting
  • 4 Week Cycle-based
  • Sessions between 45-55 minutes

Competition Training

Injury Recovery, Post-Physical Therapy

  • 2 week Packages – renewable
  • Approx. 35 minutes
  • Uses Pilates Reformer and kBox
  • Starts at $90 per session
  • Detailed strength building and fitness around rehabilitation
  • Designed to help you life a quality daily lifestyle without pain and with Strength
  • Learn how to rebuild your body after physical therapy has ended.

join the nutrition

masterclass series

🚀 Join the bro-science FREE masterclasses!

✨ Exclusive Content – premiering on the YouTube channel for FREE!

🌟 Community Connection – Join a vibrant, supportive community of like-minded individuals.

🔑 Signees-Only – These events are FREE. After that it’s archived – miss it and you might miss out.

📲 Jumpstart Guide – SIGN UP below and follow along with the FREE ebook/pdf guide on what we will cover this nutrition/eating miniseries.

Let’s fire it up!