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Johann CSCS – Coach Johann CSCS

Mastering Intermittent Fasting: A Strategic Guide to Optimal Health and Performance

Mastering Intermittent Fasting: A Strategic Guide to Optimal Health and Performance Intermittent fasting (IF) has emerged as a transformative approach to health and wellness, challenging conventional norms about eating and fasting. Lets shed light on how to effectively plan meals, understand fasting cycles, and achieve health goals without compromising muscle mass or performance. Understanding […]

the Psychology of Ultramarathons

Ultramarathons, the daunting races that extend beyond the 26.2 miles of a standard marathon, are not merely physical challenges; they are profound journeys into the human psyche, exploring the depths of mental endurance, resilience, and the power of the human spirit.

Are kettlebells good for power? | 3 Eneegy systems with 1 bell

👍SUBSCRIBE!  “FIGHTER CONDITIONING” Program  🟠🔵🟠🔵JOIN IN🟠🔵🟠🔵  Ego Killer PODCAST (REVIEW, earn a FREE GIFT e-book) *******  🔶  FIGHTER CONDITIONING | Program Strength Training for the Fight Live Program Registration is Open 🔷  FOLLOW on Insta:  🔶  🤝Hire Me: Video Transcript “You want to hit as many energy systems as you can with […]